Friday, July 01, 2011

Computer Forensic Software - Casey Anthony Trial

While listening to the Casey Anthony Trial today, Law Enforcement used a variety of Computer Forensic Software tools. They looked at both the Search Engine Search Terms used and the list of websites Casey Anthony and her family used. These were done by looking at the Internet Browser Cache and deleted cache files. I was surprised at the power of these tools and noticed that some of them like the screen shot below contain a viewer for the web page searched. Here is the list of Computer Forensic Software that was used in this case.

Computer Forensic Software Used in the Casey Anthony Trial

Forensic Report
How to Ensure Your Browser Session is Not Saved

For those of you that are concerned about your own personal computers or public computers you may use when traveling, you should use the "private browsing" feature in the computer's browser to ensure your privacy. For each of the browsers below, below are instructions for this feature.

  • Firefox -- Click Tools, Start Private Browsing
  • Google Chrome -- Click File, New Incognito Window
  • Internet Explorer 8 -- Select Safety, InPrivate Browsing
  • Opera - New Private Tab
Be sure and remember to close your browser window which finished.

Finally, from listening to the trial, I didn't think Defense Attorney Jose Baez had a really clear understanding of how these Computer Browsers and their Forensic Tools worked. I believe Juror number 2 works in the IT field so Jose's attempt to sell the jury that browsing the domain isn't an indication of what website content was read (Choroform content does NOT change as frequently as Yahoo News) is incompetent and Juror number 2 will be certainly be able to explain this to other jury members.

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