Saturday, August 02, 2008

The Web 2.0 Bubble Video

From the SocialMediaBarCamp meeting

Monday, July 28, 2008 - A new Search Engine - First look

Here are my initial thoughts about (pronounced "cool"), the search engine by several former Google employees.
  • Today it timed out several times, although I'm sure they will eventually fix that (i.e. the Twitter message, too much traffic.)
  • The images in the search results are not very relevant, i..e. when I search or cuil myself, the first result is correctly my profile page but I get some Asian characters rather than a photo. That's a little bit annoying...
  • I don't think it's as relevant as Google, not that Google is always that relevant.
  • I will say that it bothers me not to see any ads....or maybe the fact that I can't protect my beachhead and insert my ads.
In any regard, it's nice to see some healthy competition which will hopefully result in lower keyword advertising prices.