Thursday, March 19, 2009

Watch NCAA Games in HQ for Free on

On the site, I've been watching the 2009 NCAA March Madness on Demand service that is streaming live video for every game for free. This year they have a new High Quality (HQ) player that uses Microsoft Silverlight that will be downloaded and installed before you are able to view the NCAA games in HQ. The quality is the very good.
Here's the direct link to the site with the Player.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Advice to My Family Members - Memorize Your iTunes Password

As the tech guy in my family, I sometimes get calls during moments of crisis when their iPhone, Mac or PC has a major issue. As most of us know that provide Family IT Support, there is no trouble ticket system with assigned priorities -- depending on the family member everything is a high priority incident.

So this week, here are words of advice to my family members, none of which read this blog.

  • User Name and Passwords -- You should create a list of all user names and passwords and keep that list in a secure place -- and that doesn't mean on yellow post-its tacked to your computer monitor. In addition, you should not write the exact password on this list but some set of words that would remind you of your password.
  • Use Several Different Passwords -- No one should use the same password for every service they use!
  • Password Length -- You should have a secure password for every combination of required password lengths such as 4 characters numeric only, 6 characters alpha numeric, 8 charaters alpha numeric.
  • Your List -- Everytime you sign up for a new service requiring a password, you should write it down on your secure list. There are some secure programs such as SplashID that allow you to enter these on your mobile device or computer. However, if you store the password electronically, you should remember to enter a password hint rather than the actual password.
Finally, if you have an iPhone or computer and want to download an application or music, "please memorize and or write down your iTunes password and your Apple ID." And if you forgot it, here's the link if you forgot your iTunes password.

iTunes Forget Password link

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

iTunes Windows Update

I finally installed iTunes update for Windows and iTunes 8.1 (50) for the Mac. They both seem to be working fine. Some users are reporting that after this release, iTunes can no longer find the iPone Application Updates. That was not true for me.