Tuesday, July 06, 2010

LeBron James Twitter Account?

Is this @KingJames, LeBron's New Twitter Account?

The current buzz on Twitter is that the number of followers on the Twitter account http://twitter.com/KingJames has grown to nearly 30K in several hours. This Twitter profile links to LeBron James' new website http://www.lebronjames.com Associated Press is reporting that Chris Paul's Twitter contained the post:

"**Couldn't convince him to tell me which team he's goin to but convinced hi to join twitter lol...my brother from another mother @KINGJAMES"

LeBron James Twitter Account, LeBron James New Twitter, LeBron James Twitter

With LeBron James' pending decision in the NBA 2010 Free Agency, there are other unverified rumors that LeBron's selection will be posted on his new website: www.lebronjames.com. This website was linked on this unverified Twitter page.

LeBron James New website, lebron new website, lebron website, lebron james website

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